Stalled! advocates for the creation of inclusive public restrooms through four overlapping initiatives: Design, Legal, Education (lectures, symposia, publications) and Workshops.

While important in their own right, bathrooms are a point of departure to generate a larger conversation about the relationship between environmental design, the human body and social equity. We also raise awareness through Design Activism, using restrooms as a platform to generate a larger conversation about the relationship between environmental design, the human body and social equity.

In 2018, the Stalled! team formed a start-up called MIXdesign, a design consultancy that applies inclusive design principles to everyday building types, like offices, museums and libraries that have historically been designed for white, able-bodied, heterosexual, secular people. As a design consulting firm, MIXdesign partners with progressive institutions and companies that want to attract diverse audiences and workers by creating interactive spaces to engage people of different ages, genders, races and disabilities who have been left out of the equation.